Wanigas Bamboo Fly Rods

Alder Creek
Alder Creek
McKellip Brothers
Mark McKellip
Pickard Rod Company
John Pickard
Leon Hanson
Leon Hanson
Michigan is the home of some of this country’s most innovative and historically important rod manufacturers; James Heddon & Sons Company was one of the leading commercial bamboo rod makers, building upwards of 100,000 rods in their lifetime. Heddon produced rods for every consumer, at a variety of price points. Throughout their product range they kept remarkably good quality. L. L. Dickerson and Paul H. Young were two of the most historically great innovators in bamboo rod taper designs. Many of their rod tapers are frequently copied today, because of their known effective casting and fishing abilities. R. W. Summers is the direct descendent of these two fine builders and still produces the iconic classic Michigan bamboo rod. Bob’s rods are known worldwide and in constant demand. The Michigan rod reputation is about a sporting tool designed to cast well and fish hard in the variety of waters this state offers.
From these roots, Michigan has a number of talented builders continuing the craft. Wanigas has sought out and stocks rods from four of Michigan’s finest bamboo rod builders who are continuing the tradition of Michigan’s rod-building heritage. We are keen on these rods because they are made by folks with the experience and knowledge required to produce a well-crafted and dependable rod. All of these builders have hunted and fished in Michigan for years. These life experiences are applied to the design and manufactured of their rods. These bamboo rods are meant to be fished. Wanigas exclusively represents two of these builders. In addition, they all have committed to maintaining stock with Wanigas, so rods will typically be immediately available to an interested buyer.