Wanigas Supreme Bamboo Rods
"Wanigas Rods are assembled in the highest traditions of the rod building art and attain a degree of perfection, both in appearance and performance unsurpassed anywhere. They will pass your most critical eye."……. So stated the original Wanigas catalog literature when they were building out rods from Paul H. Young Company blanks in the 1950's through the 1970's. Today Wanigas continues to adhere to these ideals in their Supreme line of rods.
Our tapers are proprietary. They are the compilation of a number of experienced rod builders working together to create what we consider the best casting rods for their size and line weight. During the course of design we have explored the traditional time honored tapers of Dickerson, Young, Payne and Pezon et Michel, adding to this the current contemporary thinking and advancements in rod design and construction. The result is a superior casting and fishing fly rod.
The cane is hand selected Tonkin, expertly tempered to an even amber tone, crafted into the finished rod by the experienced hands of our maker, with over 20 years of professional cane rod building experience. The classic black Struble cap and ring reel seat hardware is over a cork arbor formed up into the much researched and copied "Hueter" half wells cork grip. Paul Young hook keeper, Mildrum stripper and black H&H DLC guides, all done up in the Wanigas trade dress black open spiral wraps appoint the smoothly varnished rod shafts. The ferrules are truncated nickel silver with the female fitted with an African Blackwood ferrule plug tipped with a solid brass lanyard post. The rod is placed in our standard black cotton bag with a Wanigas cloisonné shop pin attached, slipped into a labeled anodized aluminum rod tube with engraved cap, and this placed into a green cotton twill tube cover sporting the Wanigas Rod Company logo embroidered in red. At the price of $1,125.00 you will find no greater value than one of our expertly crafted custom rods.
7'1" – 2/2 - 13 ferrule – 2.9 ounce - #5 line: This is the first of our new Supreme rods. In setting the progressive action taper we have offset the ferrule station, which greatly improved the casting characteristics. In doing so, the turned African Blackwood ferrule plug is extended to 5 inches in length tipped with a solid brass lanyard post. This is a rod that can do the work of most 7'6" rods and some 8' rods. Ideal for regular work on small and medium size streams. It handles a line with smooth confident aplomb at any distance. The first rods are in and numbered starting at #01.
8'6" – 2/2 – 15 ferrule – 3.8 ounce - #6 line (In development): Modeled off the original (4.25 oz not the 4.85 oz) Paul Young Texan this is our entry into a hollow built rod with all the exceptional qualities of a light weight yet powerful fishing instrument. Designed to fish from boats, larger rivers, meaty flies and handle the wind, we have found this rod to also be delicate enough for a longer leader and small fly work when called on.